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Recovery from Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Often substance use is an attempt to cope with feelings of isolation, loss, anger, frustration, shame and fear. The substance is a way to numb these emotions. It is a reward, a social lubricant, a way to fit in. But for many, it can develop into a life-threatening addiction that is difficult to change and affects not just the individual but his or her loved ones. Relapse is common.

These questions may help you determine if you have a problem with drug or alcohol use:

  • Do you need more to achieve the same effects?

  • Have your tried to stop using and find that you can’t?

  • Are you continuing to use knowing that it is dangerous to do so?

  • Are you failing to fulfill your own or other’s expectations?

  • Do you experience black-outs? Memory lapses?

  • Is it interfering with your work or your relationships?

  • Do you drink or use drugs alone?

  • Do you drink or use drugs to build your self esteem or moderate anxiety?

There are different levels and types of support for persons recovering from drug or alcohol dependence.  Much of my work is based on a twelve-step approach. I prefer working as a team, involving an MD if necessary and incorporating the family or friends when possible.  I assist in finding the resources that will help my clients achieve their goals.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is a family disease. The illness can disrupt a family. Parents of children with diabetes experience moderate to high levels of distress in the months following diagnosis and experience a wide range of emotions. Coping with and adjusting to it is a learned process.

Accommodating and dealing with the rigorous demands of the illness - the commitment of repeated blood testing, daily injections or pump usage, meal planning, carb counting and insulin ratios can result in a heightened sense of urgency and vulnerability. 

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